Odisha | The Majhi makeover

3 months ago 17

The Mohan Charan Majhi-led BJP authorities is establishing its 'people-first governance' by eliminating the perceived bureaucratic dominance of the Naveen Patnaik authorities and blending accessibility, Odia pridefulness and a improvement thrust bolstered by cardinal support

COMMON TOUCH: CM Majhi greets radical successful his colony Raikala, Keonjhar district.(Photo: ANI)

Arkamoy Datta Majumdar

ISSUE DATE: Dec 2, 2024 | UPDATED: Nov 22, 2024 17:32 IST

Five months aft taking powerfulness successful Odisha, successful a crook of events whose occurrence whitethorn person amazed adjacent the protagonist, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has 1 objective. To acceptable a gove­rnance benchmark by which to disting­uish itself from its predecessor. What it grapples with is this: a humble roots person similar Mohan Charan Majhi, ele­vated to the main minister’s post, invites examination with a elephantine similar Naveen Patnaik, the transformative effect of whose governance epoch nary 1 denies. How to get a affirmative hue successful specified a juxtaposed frame?