News Corp sued by Brave Software, a Google search engine rival

1 day ago 1
News Corp’s British, Australian and Dow Jones operations are besides  defendants [File]

News Corp’s British, Australian and Dow Jones operations are besides defendants [File] | Photo Credit: Brave

News Corp has been sued by Google hunt motor rival Brave Software, which seeks to forestall a suit by Rupert Murdoch's company for erstwhile readers are directed to copyrighted articles from the Wall Street Journal and New York Post.

In a Wednesday nighttime ailment filed successful San Francisco national court, Brave said News Corp sent a cease-and-desist missive threatening litigation and demanding compensation for the alleged misappropriation of copyrighted articles by "scraping" its websites and indexing their content.

Brave countered that it is "fair use" to scale website content, "which each hunt motor operators indispensable bash to exist."

It besides accused News Corp of threatening to disrupt advances successful generative artificial intelligence, saying chatbots specified arsenic OpenAI's ChatGPT and Google's Gemini trust connected hunt motor responses.

Brave, based successful San Francisco, said its Brave Search has little than 1% of the hunt market, with Google commanding astir 90% and Microsoft's Bing overmuch of the rest.

"Defendants, which spouse with Google, question to bully Brave retired of the marketplace and propulsion the market's already-high barriers to introduction infinitely higher," Brave said.

News Corp's British, Australian and Dow Jones operations are besides defendants.

Robert Thomson, News Corp's main executive, successful a connection rejected Brave's accusations, accusing the institution of disguising its "piratical, parasitical practices" arsenic accepted search.

"The unauthorised scraping and reselling of our copyrighted contented to AI engines and different Brave customers is blatant abuse, not just use," Thomson said. "It is perverse successful the utmost that a institution that bemusingly calls itself Brave should prosecute successful contented behaviour that is truthful shiftily shameful."

Brave's suit joined the intensifying conflict pitting publishers against exertion companies that privation to usage copyrighted contented without authorization to enactment AI.

News Corp sued the startup Perplexity AI successful October for alleged "massive" amerciable copying of its articles.

In its February 27 cease-and-desist letter, News Corp said Brave "monetizes its widescale theft of intelligence spot by selling the purloined contented to immoderate of the precise aforesaid tech companies it publically derides.

"In truthful doing, Brave harms contented creators, including the innumerable journalists, editors, and different unit liable for producing high-quality content," News Corp added.

Brave's suit seeks a declaration that utilizing copyrighted News Corp articles that tin beryllium bundled into hunt indexes that tin beryllium licensed and sold is not copyright infringement.

Published - March 14, 2025 09:53 americium IST

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